More than we realize "Emotions" play a very
vital role in the final outcome of our lives. Our emotions control all our
actions and reactions. Every human behavior is orchestrated by our Emotions, either for good or otherwise.
Experts in Emotional Intelligence (E.I) have propounded myriads of theories
attempting to explain why we behave the way we do.
Nevertheless, I want to discuss something I meditated upon recently.
There are two concepts in human emotion: Call them "Yin" & "Yang" if you will.
But, I call them "Love" & "Anger".
I believe there's a lot of waste going on around us, in the realms of
People get fired by their bosses unjustly. Raped at a very young age by a
trusted person. Forcefully divorced by a Cynical Spouse. Expelled from the
university for the wrong reasons. Unable to complete education dues to lack of
funds. Graduated out of school with a 3rd class due to sickness. Always Being
Marked down by a Terrible Boss/Supervisor. Always getting 1 Notch every
appraisal Year. Left (Unjustly) at the Same Salary for donkey-years. (The list is inexhaustible)
You and I know someone who fit at least one of the descriptions above. (I actually know several folks
for every case mentioned above. I'm sure you do too).
These are folks who have suffered great degrees of "Injustice".
Injustice from their fellow country-men and from "unfairness" in all
Folks like this are usually angry, as expected. While some have chosen to live a life (As described by Henry Thoreau) of "quite desperation". A life that the King of Afrobeats Fela Kuti called "Suffering and Smiling".
Then, it occurred to me what a waste! What a waste of Power!
What a waste of Potency, Of a Raw Fuel for effectiveness Focus and
Determination. A quintessential elixir of "Purposefulness". The
engine house of capacity for "PURSUIT".
In my estimate "Anger" can be useful, if properly used.
Hey, boiled water can produce a nice meal or scars through the hands of a
jealous lover. Guns can be used to defend the innocent, protect national
sovereignty at war, or be used to kill innocent souls in cold blood. Positive usefulness is the operative word here.
The point I'm making is simple "Your ANGER can be an ASSET".
Put to proper use can be the raison d'etat for your Success or Greatness
in Life.
I'm not talking about being "Revengeful" I'm talking about How you can
"Re-channel" or "Leverage" your hurt to your own advantage.
As a growing kid, I watched lots of old Chinese Kungfu movies.
Usually the same story line "You killed my master when I was 10, now I'm
20. I've been "training". Today, I'll kill you and avenge my
Fantastic as the fights were ( I loved the sound effects of the kicks &
acrobatics), However, once in a while, you find the protagonist being
"Taught" during his training years ( They're usually groomed in the
hands of another "Drunken Master" or Old wise teacher in the bush...) telling the young boy,
"When the time comes, use your anger wisely".
So, I ask you today. Are you angry? Are you very offended?
By your boss? Ex-boss? Ex lover? Parents who didn't pay your school fees?
Cynical neighbors who derided your childhood dreams?.
Out-rightly bad
supervisor? Or Draconian Company Policy? Etc
Well, I want to tell you congratulations! You're qualified!
You have the right ingredient for Great Success! There's a more Excellent Way!
I want to challenge you to:
■Take your anger to the Gym and loose that dead weight you're carrying in your
■Take your anger to the University and register for your Master's Degree.
■Take your anger to Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and register your first business. PS: I think every thinking Adult
should have a registered business even if you're a career employee for life.
(You'll thank me someday for this).
■Take your anger to the extra curriculum class. And learn a new Skill-set or
competences. Learn something new, even if its "Salsa Dance".
■Take your anger to the Saloon and make yourself look sexier.
■Take your anger to the Embassy and travel to see
another country.
■Take your anger to seminars. Enroll in a course. If you don't have money, go to
Cousera.com and take a free course. And get a free Certificate from Solid
Universities abroad. FREE.
■Take your Anger to your children's school and ask their teacher How their
academic Performance can be improved upon.
■Take your anger to your land or uncompleted house, and finish that Project
once and for all.
■Take your anger to your dusty bookshelves, pick up a self-help , management or
any good book in your field and acquire New Information.
■Take your anger to LinkedIn.com. Sign-up. Complete your profile. Join Groups.
Engage with 200million Pros. Participate in Intelligent discussions. Share
Information, Ideas and Opportunities. And watch your personal brand equity
The outcome of our lives can sometimes be "empowered"
"enhanced" or "driven" by what we do with that (formally
negative) emotion called "ANGER"
"Be ANGRY, but Sin not"...Eph.4: 26
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